
NABORS is an organization of people who want the world to be a place where all people, including people with disabilities, can live in inclusive community. We are dedicated to supporting people with physical and developmental disabilities to have rich and full lives in community and have control over their lives.


As a community of people, we work together to secure many different kinds of resources so that supported members can each live in a home of their own choosing and with people of their own choosing; develop and enrich relationships with others; make contributions to the many types of community of which they are a part; participate in the life of those communities; and be safe and feel safe. Circles of support are fundamental to the lives of supported members and central to the success of NABORS.  

Principles and Beliefs

Community ♦ Natural Social Support ♦ Participation
Self-Determination ♦ Non-Discriminating

We believe it is important to create out of the NABORS membership a caring community based on mutual respect and operating on the principles of:

  • Learning from, not instructing each other
  • Sharing our views with each other, not imposing them on each other
  • Listening to each other and making sure we hear the voices of all members of the NABORS community
  • Seeking and building on consensus when issues affect the entire membership
  • Staying flexible about changes in circumstances, while maintaining our commitments to the supported members and our core beliefs
  • Seeing and experiencing NABORS as a circle of circles